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The Fast Registration Process is initiated at the beginning of each new dancing year when all dancers, couples and formations are deactivated, and all registrations from the previous year canceled.
The Fast Registration Process will remain active during the whole year, and allow you a quick activation from the database of existing dancers, couples and formations:
The best order to process Fast Registrations at the beginning of the year is to start with couples, then formations, and at the end with the individual dancers.
If you delete a couple or formation through this process, you will NOT delete the individual dancers who were members of that couple/formation.
After you register new dancers or activate existing dancers (either through the Registration/Dancers or Fast Registration Process), you have to create and pay the invoice for the Registration Fee.
To announce the couple to the competition, both dancers must be fully registered. For couples in Rock'n'Roll Main Classes (Contact Style and Free Style), also both acro programs must be announced (one for the preliminary rounds, with 5 acrobatic elements, and one for the semifinal and final round, with 6 acrobatic elements.
To announce the formation to the competition, all dancers must be fully registered. For formations in Rock'n'Roll Main Classes (Main Class and Quattro), also both acro programs must be announced (one for the preliminary rounds, and one for the semifinal and final round.
From this year (2023), all activities regarding the WRRC Officials will only be made via the Registration System.. This includes the initial registration of the new persons (candidates for WRRC judges), announcements on the judging seminars, the appointment of countries who will nominate their judges for the WRRC competitions, and the direct appointment of the WRRC judges by the WRRC Presidium for the competitions where such procedure is foreseen by the Tournament Rules.
WRRC Officials (judges, observers, supervisors, scrutineers) will be managed partially by the National Federation, and partially by the WRRC Office. We have transferred all data of the existing and former international judges to the new registration system. For the moment, the national administrators cannot edit or delete individual data of the officials already in the registration system. For this, you will still have to address the WRRC Office.
From 2023, the registration of the WRRC International Judges will be handled in the same way as the registration of dancers. In order to be appointed as a judge for the WRRC competition, the annual license fee must be paid according to the WRRC Fee Scake and the payment confirmed by the WRRC office.
From 2023, the announcement of the WRRC International Judges on competitions will only be made via the Registration System. At the beginning of the year, the WRRC Sports Director will make a division of competitions by the countries (National Federations). WRRC Presidium assigns the names of the judges directly for the competitions where such procedure is foreseen by the Tournament Rules (World Championships RR Main Class Free Style and BW Main Class, and World Cup Final).
For all other WRRC international competitions (World Cups), National Federations will announce their judges (regular and voluntary) through the Registration System. In order to be appointed as a judge for the WRRC competition, the individual annual Judging license fee must be paid according to the WRRC Fee Scale, and the payment confirmed by the WRRC office.